
Dr Sully often contributed as a student to magazines and university publications. Her first real break came in 1975 when asked to write on Austria for the esteemed World Today publication of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London. She continued with learned articles for Parliamentary Affairs, West European Politics and other Journals writing mostly on Austrian elections and parties.

As a member of the independent Hansard Society for Parliamentary Democracy Melanie wrote a piece on the Renovation of the Austrian Parliament, July 2023, see here in English.
Together with Dr Christoph Konrath in October 2023 Melanie again contributed to the Hansard Society, see link here, with a Blog on the Case of Austria’s Sebastian Kurz
For the Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, Berlin Dr Sully wrote an article on The British Two Party System in Flux, Volume 3, 2024


In addition to journalism Dr Sully contributed to many books on British politics and comparative government and continues to do so from Austria where she writes for the Austrian Yearbook for Politics, Demokratiebefund, the Styrian Yearbook for Politics, Federations Canada, Europäische Rundschau Wien as well as policy papers for the Austrian Society for European Politics
Below a selection and in addition you will find her publications in the Library of the Austrian Parliament, see here: Library of the Austrian Parliament 

Political Parties and Elections in Austria, Hurst London, 1981

Continuity and Change In Austrian Socialism, Columbia, New York, 1982

A Contemporary History of Austria, Routledge London 1990

– Haider Phenomenon, Columbia, New York, 1997

The New Politics of Tony Blair, Columbia, New York, 2000

– Editor and Contributor to Out of Vienna international organisations in Vienna (Diplomatic Academy), 2004.

– Editor and Contributor to The Odessa Connection, Diplomatic Academy Vienna

– Editor and Contributor to Black Sea Calling, Austrian FM/City of Vienna

Editor and Contributor to The Culture of Governance, Austrian FM, City of Vienna

Editor and Contributor to Governance and Dialogue: the Black Sea, Austrian FM/City of Vienna

– “The Socialist Party of Austria”, Social Democratic Parties in Western Europe, eds. Paterson/Thomas, Croom Helm, London, 1977

– „Winds of Change in the Austrian Party System“ in Das Österreichische Parteiensystem, eds

– Pelinka/Plasser, Böhlau, Vienna 1988.

– „The Austrian Socialists“, in Austria: a Study in Modern Achievement eds Sweeney/Weidenholzer,

– Gower, 1988

– „The 1983 Election“, in Elections in Western Democracies ed.Pennimann, Duke, NY,1988

– „Austria´s Political System“, in Western Europe 1989, Staniforth; London 1988

– „The Austrian Way?“ in The Austrian Party System, eds Pelinka/Plasser, Boulder, 1989

– “Verfahrensweise für die Aufstellung von Parlamentsabgeordneten”, Vorwahlen und Kandidatennominierung, Neisser/Plasser, Signum 1992.

– “Constitutional Reform, Britain”, Festschrift, Manfried Welan, 2002

– “The OSCE”, Festschrift Wolfgang Mantl, 2004

– „Blair to Brown“, Steirisches Jahrbuch für Politik, 2008.

– “The British Electoral System”, Demokratie im Umbruch, ed. K.Poier, Böhlau, 2009

– „Verhalten und Kodizes in Parlament und Politik“, Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Politik, ed Khol/Ofner/Karner/Halper 2013.

– „The Austrian Election“, The World Today, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London Nov. 1975

– The Austrian General Election“, Parliamentary Affairs, Summer 1976

– „Minority Groups in Austria“, The World Today, Jan. 1977

– „The New Programme of the SPÖ“, The Political Quarterly, July 1978

– „The Nuclear Referendum“, The World Today, Jan. 1979

– „The Austrian Election“, Parliamentary Affairs, Summer 1979

– „Austria: end of an era“, The World Today, June 1983

– „The Nationalratswahl in Austria“, West European Politics, Jan 1984

– „Women in Austrian Politics“, Austrian Information, New York, nr 9, 1987

– „Austria´s Road to Europe“, The World Today, Nov.91

– „The NRW (election) in Austria“, Electoral Studies 1991

– „Austria´s new government“, The World Today, Feb. 1995

– „The Austrian Referendum 1994“, Electoral Studies, March 1995

– „The Austrian Election of 1994“, Electoral Studies, June 1995

– „The 1995 Austrian Election“, West European Politics, nr. 3 1996

– “Beyond the Backlash” Austria’s new govt, The Washington Post, 20.2. 2000

– “Is British devolution a step toward federalism?”, Forum of Federations, Canada, March 2001

– Portrait of Michael Häupl, Financial Times, 2001.

– “Politics in Carinthia”, Forum of Federations, Canada, 2002

– “Austrian Election of 2002”, Forum of Federations, Canada, nr. 1, 2003

– “Austrian State Elections”, Forum of Federations, Canada, 2004

– “Austria and the EU Presidency”, Forum of Federations, Canada, 2006.

– “Austria a country of active neutrality”, DNK (Ukraine) in Russian, 21/6 2006.

– “Emigration and Europe”, Odessa Regional Museum, 2009 (in Russian)

– “Das Schwarze Meer”, Europäische Rundschau, 1/2009

– „The Black Sea Region“, Gesellschaft für Außenpolitik, Nov, 2009

– „Großbritannien, Europa und das Referendum“, Europäische Rundschau, 4/2012